The below are the
news related to DSE English report. Although all of us had already
escaped from the public examination, I think those errors maybe
also common among us.
All of us should pay attention to avoid such mistakes!
By April
Secondary pupils do poorly in DSE English exam: report
PUBLISHED : Friday, 01 November, 2013, 4:29am
E-mail writing, spelling, pronunciation and vocabulary were among the most challenging areas for candidates in this year's Diploma of Secondary Education English examination.
Only 48.5 per cent of pupils met the university entrance requirement in this subject, the lowest rate among all subjects, an official report stated.
Candidates performed worst in a task requiring them to write an e-mail to a potential advertiser requesting changes to a submitted advertisement, according to the report, which was published yesterday by the Examinations and Assessment Authority.
Pupils sometimes struggled to combine information from different sources, such as editorial notes on the advertisement and policies reported in meeting records, the report said.
"Also, the advertisers should be include the business address and phone number in the advertisement" was an example cited in the report, in which the candidate failed to address the advertiser directly.
Spelling errors such as "chok" - a popular term among young Hongkongers meaning forcing oneself to look handsome - or "choke" for "chalk", "blockbroad" for "blackboard", and "frist" for "first" were common among the pupils.
In oral exams, examiners complained about candidates failing to understand key words or ideas. Some pupils talked about fried noodles and milk tea in a group discussion when the topic was about strange food, while other pupils said "I agree with you" despite errors.
Common pronunciation errors included pronouncing "robot" as "Robert" or "rabbit", "snack" as "snake", "healthy" as "heavy", and "pressure" as "pleasure", the report revealed.
懶得記生字 互聯網令你變蠢?
考評局昨發表過去一屆中學文憑試的考試報告,當中包括英文寫作卷出現不少簡單英文詞語串錯,如chalk變chok、build變bulid、first變frist等(詳見港聞A30——「無夢想如鹹魚」 DSE考生當古語)。串錯字的原因,或許與英語水平有關,也可能是考生一時疏忽,即使以英語為母語,也難保證不會串錯字。去年BBC調查,發現2,000多名受訪者中,三人當中有一人不懂串「definitely」,三分之二不懂串「necessary」。
「Spell check」檢查錯字的功能,唾手可得,上網搜尋也有Google Instant功能,關鍵字只要打第一、二個字母,系統已代你「想好」其餘字母及顯示搜尋建議,還需要人腦好好記生字嗎?
《Atlantic Wire》去年曾指,Spell Check功能令串字能力變差,並引用研究,包括史丹福大學比較1988年及2008年的學生論文,發現這20年間學生用錯字、串錯字的情況大幅上升。
依賴GPS 易忘記走過的路
英國著名資訊科技作家Nicholas Carr曾於其著作《The Shallows : What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains》,指GPS讓人腦部儲存空間影像縮小,以致人容易忘記走過的路。
互聯網雖助我們更快掌握更多資訊,但芝加哥大學社會學副教授James Evans提出,過往親自到圖書館找資料反而有更多收穫,互聯網的搜尋雖然更快捷準確,但猶如只見枝葉,卻看不見整個森林。
互聯網令人變聰明,還是變蠢?2010年,美國Elon University便向895位科技專家提出這問題,他們的看法又如何?
變叻或變蠢? 爭持不下
潮語壞英文 「Chok」當粉筆
英文科考試報告披露不少考生的答題錯漏,參差的英文水平表露無遺,考評局指,考生不時「串錯字」,例如誤將粉筆Chalk寫為港式潮語「Chok」及Blackboard(黑板)誤寫為Backboard(籃板)等,甚至出現港式英語,例如寫成「Although I knew what I was doing was wrong」,表達「雖然我認為我做錯」的意思。Robot讀錯為人名Robert
口試方面,考生發音錯誤,將Robot(機械人)讀錯為人名Robert(羅拔),甚至Rabbit(白兔);Snack(小食)則讀錯為Snake(蛇)。在討論龜苓膏等香港「奇怪食物」(Strange Food)時,有考生引用奶茶等地道食物而離題,其他考生卻盲目附和。考評局指,向其他考生釐清問題是平常事,考生毋須尷尬,亦不用擔心會因而被扣分。
廠商會中學英文科主任鄧美儀坦言,能力稍遜的考生不時「串錯字」,「例如『I am fine』寫成『I am find』。」 記者 岑詠欣