2013年11月29日 星期五

歌詞改寫 (中英混合)

改自  少女的祈禱














*祈求港府 要眷顧多啲港人





 祈求港府  要珍惜多啲港人

 買奶粉之爭 也要去跟

 我愛港 同時亦憐憫一班婦人



為了BB 不懂申訴 都敢申訴                      為了BB 不懂申訴 都敢申訴

誰願體恤 這種愛源                                      誰願體恤 這種愛源

勿用手遮掩雙耳 聽我傾訴                          勿用手遮掩雙眼 看我傾訴

望答案 盡快得到                                          望答案 盡快得到


唯求港府要立法堵截雙非兒                        祈求港府  要去珍惜港人

要堅持都不放開                                            請睜開眼  用明燈指引

無論路上歷盡任何的阻礙                            我愛港 祈望能遇見好景降臨
願團結一致去面對                                        祈求能盡快徹底 去給個護蔭

2013年11月28日 星期四

Features of Chinglish (Referring to the previous passage)

FEATURES OF CHINGLISH                                           Kelly
1. Wordiness

Unnecessary words and convoluted
sentences are hallmarks of Chinglish translation.
For example, the Civil Aviation Administration of
China announced, "CAAC has decided to start the
business of advance booking and ticketing”, which
could simply say “CAAC now accepts advance
booking and ticketing.”

2. Problems of direct /machine translation 4 Uygur theater is printed on the bilingual instructions for a
Chinese 4-D film about dinosaurs. The Chinese
term siwei (四維"4 dimensions") uses wei "tie up;
maintain, uphold; estimate" that commonly
transcribes foreign names such as Weiwu'er (維吾
爾"Uyghur; Uighur").
3. Chinese-influenced syntax and grammar

huadao (小心滑倒"Be careful not to slip and fall") is
often translated as Slip carefully, or Slip and Fall
Down Carefully.

4. Lack of awareness of genre, register, style

fang (攪拌房) is translated as Workshop for concrete
agitation in a Sichuan factory. This is overly formal and
ignores the customary brevity of English signs (e.g.
‘Concrete Mixing Room’) or just ‘Mixing Room’).

2013年11月27日 星期三


Chinglish                                                      Kelly


"咪咁HEA啦你! "

事實上,這些都是Chinese-English, 一般被稱為: Chinglish,可以算是一個新創的英文生字。中文可解作:「中文式的英語」。

語言學家對於 Chinglish 的解釋及所帶來的影響並不一致。有些把Chinglish定義為:「中英夾雜」(code mixing), 有些則認 Chinglish 只是 「中英互換」(code switching),有些卻認為 code mixing 與 code switching 是多一樣東西,一律是指「中英夾雜」。

一種語言裏所用的用詞/用語稱為 code,正如 bar code 一樣,是用來表達某種語的符號象徵。

有研究香港語言特徵的語言學家/學者認為,Chinglish 最合理的解釋是:code mixing (中英夾雜),這也是導致香港學生英文成績沒進步,甚至退步的原因。

以下的解釋就以Chinglish = 「中英夾雜」= code mixing為大前提。 簡單來說,code mixing 的層面可分為: 字詞/句子。若果再細分可以為: lexical, semantic, syntactic code mixing 等等。

譬如說,香港人稱 taxi為「的士」,這已經是 code mixing 的一種,這種例子,「的士」是 loan word (漢語外來詞) 。而外來詞是code mixing中最常見的。另外,香港人說「開電視」、「開門」,一律用一個「開」字,有些人用英語時,也講成:open the TV, open the door,用錯了open 這個字,這也是code mixing 的一種。那些都是「字詞」上的 code mixing.

另一些例子是:「你時間就 call  我」、「Oh, my God! 你係真唔係呀?」,這些都是句子中的 code mixing.

還有以下例子:「我想去公園玩」。Chinglish 會講成: I want go the park. 這就是現今大多數人所認為的:Chinglish (用中文的句構去寫英文)。

其實code mixing/code switching 是 Bilinguals (學習兩種語言的人)常見的情況。 有人認為這有助 bilinguals 學習兩種語言,有些則認為這是bilinguals 好好學習及掌握兩種語言最大的障礙。

2013年11月26日 星期二

Why more and more children becoming multilingual

Here are two lovely multilingual children

    Recently, I found these videos on YouTube. While enjoying watching the two lovely multilingual kids' talk show, I started to think about the question: "why more kids are multilingual nowadays?"
    It seems that one of the main reasons is the growing globalization. As people live all around the globe regardless of race, religion or sex. As a result, there are more transnational marriage happening, and more children are brought up under a bilingual or even a multilingual environment which foster their language ability. Also, being multilingual make us more competitive. As the world is becoming multilingual, our society needs translators to bridge cultures and nations.  Thus, we get more job opportunities if we are bilingual. Another important point is that our language ability is one of the benchmarks of our social status. Speaking more languages shows that we are knowledgeable and well- educated. Considering the above factors, educational institutions and many parents urge their children to learn different languages.

I seek you!

     By April


Do you still remember ICQ?

Properly, the post-80s will know that, it is one of our collective memories, isn't it?

ICQ is a first developed and popularized instant messaging computer program, which was started by the Israeli company in 1996. However, in 2010, the acquired company America Online (AOL) sold ICQ to Digital Sky Technologies for $187.5 million.

Actually, ICQ is the English homonyms 'I seek you', while in Chinese mean '我找你'. It includes offline messaging, multi-user chats, free daily-limited SMS sending, greeting cards, multiplayer games and a searchable user directory. Users can use emotions while chatting with other users. The popularity of using emoji might be started by ICQ.

However, due to emerge of other competitive instant messaging programs, like MSN and Skype, making a significant decrease of ICQ users. According to the development of electronic generation, ICQ also provided mobile apps on iPhone and Android since 2011. It is similar to the function of What's App, and made some of the user use it again.

Language versions vs Code-mixing

While surfing the web, we often encounter websites with different language versions.

  However, there weren’t so many websites using two languages in the same webpage.  That means websites like IKEA has translated its webpage into Chinese, French and Spanish, but not mixing much English in these versions. Why this phenomenon appears? Even Hong Kong such an international city, where most of the locals can read English, the IKEA.hk is separated into Chinese and English version rather than using in text code mixing.

       Reflecting that the majority of people prefer to read articles in their mother language rather than “their-code”. Moreover, browsing sites in one’s mother tone can help one to understand more and to miss less information. This might be another reason for commercial companies to avoid using code-mxing.


Code-switching in PoP songs

前陣子上網的時候無意中聽到了Be Be Your Love的改編版,歌詞更由全英文變成了中英文混合。故此,在此談談這首歌Code-switching的現象。

以下是由原唱Rachael Yamagata演唱的《Be Be Your Love》的歌詞,和歌詞的中文翻譯。

If I could take you away

Pretend I was queen
What would you say?
Would you think I'm unreal?
'Cause everybody's got their way I should feel

Everybody's talking how I can't be your love

But I want to be your love
Want to be your love, for real
Everybody's talking how I can't be your love
But I want to be your love
Want to be your love for real

Want to be your everything

Everything's falling, and I am included in that
Oh, how I try to be just okay
Yeah, but all I ever really wanted was a little piece of you

Everybody's talking how I can't be your love

But I want to be your love
Want to be your love for real

Everything will be alright if you just stay the night

Please, sir, don't you walk away

Everybody's talking how I can't be your love

But I want to be your love
Want to be your love for real


原版的Be Be Your Love》講述的是當人們難掩愛慕之心,渴望受到自己愛慕之人青睞的心情。歌詞曾中提到多次:但我依然想成为你爱的人,成为你的真爱。


然而, 在改編之後,有一半的歌詞變成了中文。


Be Be Your Love —  黃韻玲改編版歌詞
If I could take you away
Pretend I was queen
What would you say
Would you think I'm unreal

Cause everybody's got their way I should feel
Everybody's talking how I, can't,
can't be your love
But I want, want, want to be your love
Want to be your love, for real

Everybody's talking how I, can't,
can't be your love
But I want, want, want to be your love
Want to be your love, for real

Want to be your everything
Everything's falling,
and I am included in that
Oh, how I try to be just okay

Yeah, but all I ever really wanted
Was a little piece of you

Everybody's talking how I, can't,
can't be your love
But I want, want, want to be your love
Want to be your love, for real

Everybody's talking how I, can't,
can't be your love
But I want, want, want to be your love
Want to be your love, for real
























Want to be your love
    看完兩個版本的歌詞,相信大家已經發現改版後的中文歌詞並不是英文的 direct translation 更和英文歌詞的意境有所不同。在英文歌詞中, 歌唱者表現出對心愛之人的傾慕之情和對愛情的渴求。但是,改版的歌詞中,新加入的中文歌詞如 我不過想再玩味有時卻卻無功而回”......都表現出對在愛情中浮浮沉沉,感到迷茫的心情。
    由上述可見, 作曲者黃韻玲改編經典英文歌曲Be Be Your love 的用意並不是想以中文表達原曲的情感。 她的改編使歌曲的故事情節更豐富,表述了一個女人由渴望愛情到在愛情中感到迷茫。另外,將中文元素加入在英文歌裡可以引起大眾對歌曲的興趣,也使中國和台灣的聽眾對歌詞產生親切感。


we are the siufook
we are the siufook
mighty mighty siufook
mighty mighty siufook

When I was 16 years old, I was invited by my sister to participate in a Youth Leadership Training Programme (未來領袖體驗營) which is organised by SiuFook Union (小福聯盟). In the camp, I learnt to become proactive to grasp the opportunity through the activities and reflections. At that time, we cried and laughed together and we were a big family which consisted of 36 campmates, 2 trainers and 8 helpers. There were only four days in the camp, but it was like being with my campmates for a long time. We called ourselves as ACE who is the best of the best. 
Besides, it was also my turning point of my life. I really like the spirit of SiuFook union which is to make the world full of  love and enlighten more teenagers (以生命燃點生命,用愛創造一個「多,少,常,傳」的世界). After participating in the camp, I became one of the members of SiuFook Union which is a NGO and was found in 2001 by the one of the trainers who is Dr. David Cheung (張碩豪博士) of the programme, Leadership and Competence for Success, organizing by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Although it was a small NGO, the people was passionate and worked voluntarily to serve the public, especially teenagers. Apart from the Youth Leadership Training Programme, SiuFook Union also organised some social services and talks for different needs of people.
SiuFook union is really a great and lovely place. We like gathering together and welcome all of you to join us. The coming Youth Leadership Training Programme will be held on 27-30 Dec. If you are interested in the Youth Leadership Training Programme which I mentioned before, I am welcome all of you to ask me or browse our official website: http://siufook.org/yltp.html#dl

Official Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/siufookunion
Official website:http://siufook.org/news.php

Pay it forward :)


2013年11月25日 星期一

SMF 2013

Did you go to SMF (銀礦灣沙灘音樂節) last month?

A big band show was held in the Silvermine Bay every year since 2006. Every musicians and bands could play their music on the stage and the audiences could enjoy the music free of charge with the blue sky and even the sparkling stars. Recently, the show was supported and approved by the government and it made the SMF become one of the big events in Hong Kong.

This year, SMF was organized from 11 Oct to 13 Oct which more than 300 bands and musicians performed over 80 hours. Some famous singers and bands were including Joey Tang, Supper Moment and DEAR JANE.

It was really a great event in Hong Kong. Teenagers who love music could make their dreams come true on the stage. This year I miss the chance to go there, but I definitely would go there next year!

Music makes us happy <3

Official Facebook page:
Other bloggers commenting SMF:


2013年11月21日 星期四

Word of the year 牛津字典年度風雲字:Selfie

By April

英國牛津大學出版社(Britain's Oxford University Press)18日公布2013年年度風雲字:Selfie(自拍)。拜智慧手機盛行之賜,「自拍」這個字被廣泛使用,迅速成為最為人知的新創字。

In Oxford definition, selfie mean: A photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website.

包括美國第一夫人蜜雪兒(Michelle Obama)和第一家庭愛犬「波」(Bo),以及前國務卿希拉蕊(Hillary Clinton)和她的女兒雀兒喜(Chelsea),都抵擋不了自拍的風潮,在推特(Twitter)貼上自拍照。


牛津出版社每年都會選出一個最能代表該年度的字,以反映當時的時事和世人心境。例如在2009年的unfriend(解除臉書好友關係)、2008年的credit crunch(信用緊縮)、2007年的carbon footprint(碳足跡)、以及2005年的Sudoku(數獨)等。

Every year Oxford will choose a word to represent the year, to reflect the current issues and attitde of people. Which word will you choose to represent your own year?

2013年11月20日 星期三

Dont insist on English!

HEY~~~ Im Coco~

I guess everyone is working hard on the term paper and no one will see my post. (Did i just assume that the no one will visit our blogs besides our classmates?)

Still, i would like to share this interesting and meaningful talk with all of you.

Here are some inspiring quotes from the speaker.

1.If you can't think a thought, you are stuck. 
But if another language can think that thought,  then, by cooperating, we can achieve and learn so much more.

(I guess that's the importance of bilingualism.)
2.A language dies every 14 days.
3.When a language dies,

we don't know what we lose with that language. 

4.Mind your language.  Use it to spread great ideas.


Let's think : If everyone can speak good English one day,  what will happen to translation?
Please feel free to leave your comment ~~

Btw, The English is "Bingo" is translated INTO "賓果" .SO FUNNY!

2013年11月9日 星期六

荷研究:全世界共通語言竟是…「Huh」?! (By coco)

This news captured my eyeballs !!!!!
The word " Huh" seems meaningless ,however it appears in almost every language.
In other words, no matter which language you use , you will unconsciously/consciously prounce the sound "Huh".


根據英國《每日郵報》(Daily Mail)報導,研究人員針對全球10種語言進行觀察,包括中文、義大利文、西班牙文及荷蘭語等,並在每種語言中記下20個非正式對話。
研究人員指出,或許有人會認為對「Huh」這個共通語言進行研究,似乎不太有意義,但其實「它」在語言中,並非是瑣碎、沒價值的,反而是極不可或缺的發音詞。此份研究也發表在《公共科學圖書館期刊》(PLoS ONE)上。