2013年9月25日 星期三

The K-pop phenomenon

            In recent years, K-pop, which stands for Korean pop music is becoming so prevalent. It is not just thriving and prosperous in its homeland, but people around the globe, especially in Asian countries like China, Taiwan, Singapore and Japan. Here in Hong Kong, K-pop is almost the biggest common topic among youngsters. I could always hear my classmates talking about the new moves of the Korean singers. Although I do not keen on K-pop, yet the question: “Why K-pop could become so popular?” is always in my head. After reading the article “K-pop: how South Korea turned round its music scene”, I have summarized a few possible reasons.

            First of all, the music production houses in Korea have investigated a huge fund on their own singing academies and album generation. These singing academies are where the top agencies and publishers trained teenagers into pop stars. Besides, the companies often invite famous British songwriters to write songs for their artists, which draw attention from the fans.

            Moreover, the marketing strategies of production houses are also a main factor.  Most of the time, the CDs’ packaging have several versions, they are all glossy and luxury, thus some fans will buy more than one version of the CD.  Meanwhile, the production house knows how to promote their artists wisely. For instance, the SM Entertainment cooperated with mobile phone manufacturer LG. While LG launched a new brown phone, SM Entertainment’s biggest girl group, Girl’s Generation and FX appeared in LG’s advertisement singing the song calling Chocolate Love and then the song went straight up on the ranking list. Furthermore, the language mixing lyrics of K-pop has globalized the recipients as a cordial feeling is created when language familiar to them appears in the songs.

             In addition, K-pop music got its unique characters which are attractive to teens. Most of the Korean songs come along with a special dance. The fans love the dance and often imitate the moves.

All in all, K-pop is one of the biggest symbolic capitals of Korean and it boosted the country’s economy and has proved how infectivity a culture can be.

2013年9月24日 星期二

Comment on Bilingual Features of the NYT and Reuters

There is the usage of cross-reference in NYT news. Throughout the article, there are some phrases or words that are blue in line. When we click on the words, there is a link to pop out. For example, “the recent trial of Bo Xilai”,” journalists jammed behind the police cordons”, “said in an interview with Phoenix television”. If readers click on the link of “the recent trial of Bo Xilai”, an original new of the Bo Xilai’s incident titledAs Surprisingly Open Trial Begins in China, Fallen Politician Shows Defiancein” from New York Times online pop outs. The link does not only include text but also pictures and video. It adopts a multimedia element. For example, when readers click on “journalists jammed behind the police cordons”, a picture from sina.com is shown immediately. If “said in an interview with Phoenix television” is clicked, a video of the prominent Chinese Lawyer Chen Youxi, is analyzing the case of Li Tianyi. Using the cross-reference makes the news more authentic and reliable. People always want to know more information. This can increase their knowledge and satisfy their curiosity. This also shows the diversity of multimedia in mediascape.

Both of the news do not adopt linguistic code, or mixed code, which means second language in a particular text. The common language use is the national language - English only. However, only Reuters offer different types of languages at the top of the column, such as in France, Canada and Spain edition. The New York Times has lesser language options to choose, which have global, US and China edition. So in this region, we can say news in Reuters is more likely to have linguistic diversity and NYT is more linguistic homogeneity. Since NYT have English and Chinese language only, we can probably call it a bilingual media discourse. Moreover, no language-mixing or code-switching are observed in both of the news too.

Under the new era of amateur, everyone can be involved in the internet with the technology advancement. When internet users visit both pieces of news online, they can have some follow-up actions in terms of sharing, comment or click a “like” on social networking sites. This undeniably increases the interaction between the readers and the writer. Their national identity can be increased by their engagement and participation on the news. Gradually the people participating in such social network can be called as “social actors” or even “cultural translators”. These people are having symbolic capital, which is the relationships and social network they create online and later, they will be changed as concrete capital after a period of time. The internet users will create a speech community unintentionally. It means a community which shares the same speech. The computer-mediated communicaton technology facilitates the establishment of the speech community. According to“ the virtual community: Homesteading on the electronic frontier” by Rheingold, H., Community includes both communication ( a group of people who shared interests) and communion ( which is spiritual, emotional, a “human” feeling that comes from the communicative coordination of oneself with others and the environment). When browsing the comment corner from the news, the online users have shared their own view and feelings towards the Li Tianyi’s case. Therefore, speech community is established. It’s not necessarily to be too large.


Both of the news focused on the scandal of the political figures of the Communist Party. However, NYT report the news in more different aspects by reporting the view of Mr Li (the prosecutor) and Ms Lu and also it compares with the recent trial of Bo Xilai. Reuters adds many facts and focuses more in the bloggers. It shows that the internet users are social actors and they concern about their society. They build up their identity in China.
Posted by Catherine Lo Tsz ChinThis shows the internet users in China are very keen on and concern about this.

It is a small article cut from MingPao newspaper. It is talk about the wisdom behind a name. A good name can lead you associate with some beautiful things. Chinese have an adage:「唔怕生壞命,最怕改壞名」, that’s mean have a bad name is even worse than an unlucky destiny. This can show that traditional Chinese people are paying much attention on naming. Even nowadays, some people will search for geomantic consultation when naming. If you are interesting on Chinese naming, welcome to talk to with us!

Good Eats: Cha Chan Tang, a Hong Kong-Style Cafe

Bao Ongcontributing food writer

French toast drizzled with golden syrup. Ham and macaroni soup with buttered bread. Baked beef steak with tomato sauce. Yes, Cha Chan Tan is a Chinese restaurant.
If you want to get technical, it’s a Hong Kong-style eatery with an extensive menu that includes an eclectic range of more traditional dishes, like shark fin soup, to Western-influenced creations such as the popular pork chop with tomato sauce over spaghetti.
But first a quick history lesson to the somewhat zany choices here: Hong Kong, with its strong colonial connection to England and other European countries, was full of upscale Western restaurants. Most locals couldn’t afford to dine at such establishments, though, so they came up with their own creations, often merging typical ingredients in Italian or English cuisine with a touch of local flavor.
Take any of the noodle dishes as an example. You can find a variety on traditional kinds of spaghetti or fried noodles using the ubiquitous egg noodles found in packaged ramen. At Cha Chan Tang you could eat the noodles fried and topped with slices of barbecue pork or with spareribs and shreds of bitter melon.
As one my of my dining companions put it, the food isn’t meant to be upscale (he described it as “street” or “home”-style cuisine). But that doesn’t mean it lacks in flavor. In fact, I’d describe it as comfort food at affordable prices (the most expensive item on the menu is $7). The portion sizes are decent, too.
On a recent visit, we ordered baked spaghetti with pork chop. This dish included a generous amount of noodles topped with sweet tomato sauce with fried and breaded pork cut up in thin slices. It was a marriage of sweet and salty carbs and proteins, both fried and baked. On a lighter note, we couldn’t pass on the French toast with a side of maltose, a common sweetner in Asian cooking. But my favorite was a cold Hong Kong style tea. This black tea with evaporated milk came in a glass bottle in a bucket of ice so the drink would stay cold but would not become watered down.
Part of Cha Chan Tang’s appeal is its young and more hip vibe than many other Chinatown eateries. There’s the requisite exposed break wall but fun light bulbs sit in hanging Vita Soy bottles above the white formica tables give it a modern touch. There are flat screen monitors on the walls looping images of Hong Kong street corners.

1. Cha Chan Tan (transliteration)
2. shark fin soup (code-switching)
3. spareribs and shreds of bitter melon (code-switching)
4. Vita Soy bottles (transliteration)

5. Macaroni/Spaghetti (From Greek, not an English word, language mixing)

Target readers- should be foreigners and travellers

Mediascape-private non-commercial media, but it inform, educate and entertain readers.

2013年9月23日 星期一

Hong Kong Comics


Water Colour Painting
Old Master Q (老夫子) is the collective memory of Hong Kongers, ranging from the children to the eldery. It was particularly popular in the 60s-80s in Hong Kong. I think only foreigners may not very familiar with this because it's a unique culture from Hong Kong. Old Master Q is created by Alfonso Wong. Its first cartoon appeared in the newspapers and magazines in 1962, and later serialized in 1964. It is still in publication today. 
Portrait of Mr. Alfonso WongOMQ
Portrait of Mr. Alfonso Wong
The series features the now well-known characters such as Old Master Q and Big Potato, as well as Mr Chin, Mr Chiu and Miss Chan, in many different hilarious situations. Old Master Q lives his life in a very unorthodox manner—often stumbles himself and his friends in and out of trouble. Playful and childlike in nature, Old Master Q and his “cool gang”, particularly the chubby darling Big Potato, handle the everyday life problems and annoyance with sunny outlook in sometimes shockingly hilarious manners. 
Old Master Q

Main Characters:

The leading character of the self-entilted comic series, likes to dress as a traditional but behaves as a kid with unbounded curiosity for life.
Age: Secret ( younger than he looks..)
Costume: 17.26% traditional chinese, the rest comic "ought couture"
Sign: Sagittarius
Personality: Ecpert of knowing everything about nothing, playful, optimistic (oftern overly) and romantic
Skills: Kung Fu (semi), cooking, multi-style x-sports (ffree, cheap and no style)
Girlfriend: Ms Linda Chan
The leading side-kick of Old Master Q, loves to eat and has over confidence in everything he wishes to do. Unfortunately, results often contradict his expectations.
Height: 1.27 meter
Weight: Secret, but going up...
Sign: Libra
Personality: High (and often unrealistic) level of self-confidence, fun-loving
Skills: Eating, lots and lots
Dislike: Doing sit-up
Mr. Chin, another side-kick of Pld Master Q, is the best looking on in the gang and possesses a bright outlook for all things.
While Old Master Q comics primarily focuses on humor, it also reflects changing social trends, particularly from the 1960s to the 1980s. The comics would sometimes feature societal problems in urban life, such as poverty, petty thefts and secret societies. It also poked fun at fashion, contempoary arts  and rock music. The comic strips sometimes also bemoan the decline of ethical or moral values in modern day living. One can spot characters displaying acts of selfishness or misery, although the comics occasionally display good values like filial piety.

There is even English version translated by the public!

I used to do the same with the one in the article below. Did you?
This is such an excellent activity to do during the waiting time for yum cha in Chinese Restaurant! Do u agree?
The above is the theme song of the cartoon of Old Master Q from TVB. Did you watch this before when you're young?
However, it seems that the own production of HK comics gradually decline now. Most of the people like watching Japanese comics or American Heros. The comics industry in HK is not as popular as before. Some of the opinions are extracted below.

1. "香港漫畫發展的兩大障礙 撰文:hsbchk


2. From internet user: nyx


We hope that the development of HK comics would not stop and continue creating our own memories!


 Posted by Catherine Lo Tsz Chin

2013年9月20日 星期五

CRUSH? 我有小小中意左佢><"

不論看電影,與朋友討論,都聽到這一句: I have a CRUSH on him/her.
我個人解讀為: 我有小小中意左佢(即刻聯想到早年紅翻天的萬寧妹妹).
若大家也毫無頭緒,不妨參考以下網址 ^^

2013年9月13日 星期五



《狂舞派》是一部香港電影當然沒有任何疑問,但說這部電影本土,到底又有多本土呢?或許,對一些觀眾來說,出現了豆腐舖、工廠大廈、屋邨平台的表演等等香港的背景和場面,就已經是本土的表現。但不能否認的是,《狂舞派》把整個戲劇的焦點集中在一群舞者的身上,某程度上是把整個社會背景抽空了,那些老舖、廠廈,以至屋邨的街坊,其實都是沒有生活和細節的;讓人眼前一亮的阿花、Dave、太極男、Rebecca 等等,除了舞蹈和太極,也是沒有生活的。他們的全部世界,除了青春片常見的多角戀愛,就是全世界都有人跳的街舞,或是整個大中華都有人耍的太極拳,所謂的本土就是由台前幕後都是香港人決定?那大家討論的本地價值又在哪裡呢?難道同學們會把汽水罐留給拾荒的婆婆就叫做有本土/人文的關懷?

這部電影有句廣為流傳的宣傳口號,「為了××,你可以去到幾盡?」這句話,當然是強調了為理想犧牲一切的「熱血」,出自電影中的場景,是完全成立的。不過筆者好奇的是,由電影一開始阿花強調自己不跳舞就周身不自在,到最高潮時「大反派」揭示他為街舞作出的犧牲,整部電影都只是強調這種「熱血」的感覺,但並沒有告訴大家街舞的「價值」何在。阿花、Dave 所在的舞隊為何要打倒「rooftoppers」?除了爭第一,電影給出的另一個理由是據此向校方爭取被收回的會室。沒有會室真的這麼重要?筆者真的要好好反省一下讀書年代搞活動的態度。當然,大眾文化中的「熱血」作品,其實都沒有說明「理想」的內在價值的傳統,《足球小將》、《鄰家女孩》不會告訴你參加世界杯或甲子園對人生意義何在?《舞吧!昴》也不會解釋芭蕾舞對舞者的價值何在。當然,觀眾一般都不會對傳統的對抗運動或表演藝術的價值提出疑問,只不過像街舞這種結合了表演和對抗兩種元素的活動,多一點發掘會不會讓觀眾更加投入呢?



2013年9月12日 星期四

GANGNAM STYLE - A big influence on the music industry in global

I think everybody have heard of a song called gangnam style, which is sung by a South Korean singer, PSY. The music video has been viewed over 1.753 billion times on Youtube, and it is the most watched video at the site after surpsassing Jusbin Bieber's single "Baby"! So you can imagine his song is so popular through the worldwide. What factors that make the song have a big hit? It definitely contains some features whose style is different from the other pop songs. Its catchy rhythm, lyrics, the movement that PSY performed in the MTV are the charactersitics and the success of this song. 

His style of dancing makes people hard to forget him. There are main several steps of his dancing.

                        Gangnam Style : In 4 Simple Steps by mani_pap.

His steps of dancing are not as difficult as the other K-pop groups'. They are easy to remember but interesting. People from all ages can dance! So it attracts fans from different genders and age group. Many "Youtubers" have made covers from listening the song.

He and his MV is so unique that ti's hard to forget them.

the technology and time is reap for hum to reap the benefits.

ITs funny that most people will laugh while watching this.

Even dance dummies like me can replicate it.

T-Pina's tweet about this has been retweeted 2400 times.

Below it's the translated version of the "GANGNAM STYLE" lyrics. Let's check it out.

哥哥是 江南style 江南style
白天是 充滿溫暖人情味的 女人

我是男子漢 白天是像妳那樣溫暖的男子漢
如果到了晚上心臟會爆發失控的男子漢 是那樣的男子漢

美麗的 可愛的 沒錯 是妳 Hey 沒錯就是妳 Hey
美麗的 可愛的 沒錯 是妳 Hey 沒錯就是妳 Hey
現在開始到衝破極限之前 一起走吧

哥哥是 江南style 江南style
哥哥是 江南style 江南style

Eh- Sexy Lady Oh Oh Oh Oh
時機到了 髮束也會放開的女人

我是男子漢 雖然看似穩重卻很懂得玩樂的男子漢
時機到了 會完全失控的男子漢
思想比肌肉更加發達的男子漢 是那樣的男子漢

美麗的 可愛的 沒錯 是妳 Hey 沒錯就是妳 Hey
美麗的 可愛的 沒錯 是妳 Hey 沒錯就是妳 Hey
現在開始到衝破極限之前 一起走吧

哥哥是 江南style 江南style
哥哥是 江南style 江南style
Eh- Sexy Lady 哥哥是 江南style
Eh- Sexy Lady Oh Oh Oh Oh

一山還有一山高 我是什麼知道一些的人
一山還有一山高 我是什麼知道一些的人

哥哥是 江南style
Eh- Sexy Lady 哥哥是 江南style
Eh- Sexy Lady 哥哥是 江南style

Last but not least, let's review the MTV again!

Virtual POP Cults 的話

Hello everybody~
我們是正在香港嶺南大學修讀 “Bilingual Cyber Culture”的 Cath, Catherine, Coco, April, Summi and Kelly. 歡迎大家來到我們的部落格!*V* 
"Virtual Pop Cults"是一個為了探討“Bilingual Pop Culture”而設的空間,我們會在這個部落格 上發表一切有關於“pop culture” 和 “bilingualism” 的文章、影片、圖片和音樂。You are more than welcome to visit our blog and leave comments!

                                     ***we are the virtual pop cults, we are the cults~***